Back pain: What can you do about it?
Nov 16, 2023Back pain is the most common ailment. Almost everyone has experienced tension or pain in their back at some point. Relying solely on painkillers may not be the solution to the problem. But what can help? Discover what you can do to combat back pain for a pain-free and active life.
What are common causes of back pain?
Back issues can have various causes, all of which manifest through pain. Although painkillers can reduce the symptoms, they do not solve the underlying problem. Many of these causes are within our control, making it crucial to identify the root cause. Let's explore some of the reasons for back pain:
- Muscle tension: Involuntary muscle contractions often affect the neck or shoulder region. Incorrect mattresses, unfavorable sitting positions at desks, or stress can lead to these tensions.
- Overweight: Excess abdominal fat can alter the center of gravity and thus affect posture. This can lead to tension and weakening of the core and abdominal muscles.
- Lack of movement: Insufficient physical activity results in underutilized supportive muscles, leading to muscle atrophy.
- Osteoporosis: Bone loss can increase pressure on the spinal vertebrae, causing them to fracture without external impact.
Learn here how to actively combat osteoporosis.
- Herniated disc: These discs act as buffers between the vertebrae. When disc tissue between the vertebrae is pushed outward, it's termed as a herniated disc. If this presses against a nerve, it can cause intense pain and even numbness in the legs. In such cases, immediate medical attention is necessary.
- Text neck syndrome: "If an ergonomic workplace is not ensured, reading this article with a low viewing angle can add up to an extra weight of up to 27 kilograms on the spine," says Dr. med. Andreas Krüger, specialist in orthopedic surgery and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system.
Although nearly everyone experiences back pain, the good news is that in about 90 percent of cases, the cause is not threatening, and individuals can actively alleviate the pain themselves.
Why is strength the ultimate remedy for back pain?
According to Dr. Krüger, many modern ailments can be prevented through correctly executed strength training, including lower back pain. Strength is an often underestimated biomarker for health and ultimately longevity.
This was evidenced in a scientific study involving patients with chronic back pain. Following regular strength training as part of their therapy, patients reported significant relief. 67% of the patients required fewer post-treatment interventions in the year after incorporating strength training.
Dr. Krüger explains the potential of strength training in alleviating back pain: "The back muscles provide stability and mobility, while the abdominal muscles act as support. The better trained this musculature is, the lower the strain on the spine, reducing the risk of injury and maintaining a proper posture." Julia Laumer, Managing Director at AURUM Fitness in Munich, adds, "Fundamentally, the healthier and stronger the muscles, the healthier and stronger the human system and its organs. That's why at AURUM, 'having the strength to enjoy life' is our mission."
What to consider in strength training to combat back pain?
- Correct execution of exercises against back pain: If strength training is the key to alleviating back pain, why do so few people do it? Often, the answer is feeling insecure and fearing further injury due to incorrect strain on the back. This fear is not unfounded, as indeed improper training can cause harm. Therefore, safe training is our top priority. Your AURUM Coach enables you to execute each exercise safely at maximum intensity. The execution is slow and easy to coordinate for everyone, ensuring utmost safety. This is a total novelty in strength training and a significant advantage for patients with back problems.
- "Balanced" performance: The body seeks a balanced relationship between the left and right halves. Unequal strain, such as due to a protective posture or one-sided sports activities like tennis or golf, can create an imbalance. This causes tightness, tension, and pain. Therefore, in training, we ensure that the muscles of both halves of the body perform equally, as you can see on this screen. The left and right performances differ minimally.
- Measurable results: How do you know if your training is really building strength if you're not measuring it? At AURUM, we measure your strength during every training session and compare it with your previous results. This motivates tremendously and helps to get the most out of training and your time. Additionally, we conduct regular body analyses, providing information on muscle growth, fat loss, and cell health.
- Everyday feasibility: No matter how effective and beneficial the training may be, if you don't attend due to it being time-consuming or complicated, its effect will be null. For this reason, we have developed a time-efficient training regimen. AURUM Training takes only 1 minute per exercise. So, 6 exercises for your health and against back pain are completed in 6 minutes, with breaks after 20 minutes per week. With the remaining time, you can do whatever you want. And the best part: you are free from discomfort.
What successes does AURUM Training bring?
"Our training data from the last 2 years shows that AURUM customers achieve significant strength gains averaging 15% to 25% and reduced back pain after just 2 months, regardless of their age and fitness level," says Julian Massler, co-founder and CEO of AURUM. Other remarkable effects we measured in our clients include:
- On average, a 43% increase in strength in the 3 dedicated exercises for the back muscles (Lumbar Extension, Rowing, Pull-Ups) during the first 30 sessions.
- A 3% strength increase per week with a weekly training rhythm and improved markers for metabolic health, insulin sensitivity, and bone density coupled with substantial fat loss.
- 10% more strength per hour of pure training time.
3 Tips: What to do against back pain
So, strength training forms the foundation against pain. Here are 3 additional tips for a strong back:
1. Correct sitting and ergonomic workspace
With an office job, you spend most of the day sitting, which can lead to tension and back pain. The correct sitting position and an ergonomic workspace are necessary. Find out what else matters here: Sitting for long periods is unhealthy - How to compensate for sedentary work
2. Incorporate more movement into daily life
Every movement counts for your back. Use the stairs instead of the elevator, leave the car behind occasionally, or include small back exercises in your daily routine. This could be 5–10 minutes of yoga in the morning, for instance.
3. Massage and heat for tension relief
Whether professional or from a partner, massages can loosen tensions and therefore be pleasant for back pain. Additionally, heat can alleviate the pain. Tips include using a hot water bottle or going to the sauna. This not only relaxes the back muscles but your entire body.
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Nelson, B. W., O'Reilly, E., Miller, M., Hogan, M., Wegner, J. A., & Kelly, C. (1995). The clinical effects of intensive, specific exercise on chronic low back pain: a controlled study of 895 consecutive patients with 1-year follow up. Orthopedics, 18(10), 971–981.
Egle Paulauskaite
I have a deep passion for movement and sports, and an insatiable curiosity for understanding human nature.
While researching the connections between physical vitality, mental acuity, and the pursuit of longevity,
I care to share valuable insights and practical tips that can easily be incorporated into our daily lives.