Why it works
A short high intensity strength training once a week is enough to ensure maximum fitness and health. Fortunately massive adaptations don't require massive time investments. Learn what we got wrong in 1968.Â
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How can a netto 6 Minute Workout once a week produce better muscular and cardio pulmonary results than hours of moderate exercise?
The answer is quite simple and based on a growing body of research: Intensity is key. Our body is lazy. This tendency to conserve energy has served us well throughout our evolution. But it comes with a catch, if we want our body to stay fit and healthy we have to give it a friendly reminder that the world is a dangerous place once in a while.
But today we live in an era of unprecedented caloric luxury and absence of direct physical threats to our survival.
So what if we want it all? All the calories and the healthy body that is able to give that sabertooth tiger a good fight or run for its dinner? We have to simulate these maximum intensity events on our biology in fairly regular intervals.
Maximum adaptation. Minimum duration.
Stress is our health currency.
Biologically speaking your body cannot understand the difference between a fight and a workout. Both lead to an acute stress response. It's this stress response that signals our body to adapt. In the case of our 6 Minute workout this adaptation takes the form of more muscle, which in turn has to be supported by a stronger heart and bigger lungs, which want to be attached to better blood vessels and finally more muscles signal the body it needs stronger bones and a faster central nervous system to make good use of this new found strength.
The maginitude of this adaptation ist exponentially correlated with the magnitude ot the stressor, or, more practically speaking, with the intensity of the training. The supra-maximal intensity efforts prevalent during our exercises cannot be sustained longer than one minute by the target muscle. This is why High Intensity Training leads to extraordinary results with little time invested.
Strength Training. Holistic Training
Everything is aerobics but not all aerobics is strength training.
What would the ideal workout for humans look like? Firstly, it would have to be intense, as we learned in the previous paragraph. Secondly it would have to be safe. The problem is, high intensity often comes with high risk of injury due to the heavy weights, jerky movements and fast speeds involved. Thirdly, it would have to improve all biological systems making up a human body at once. In 1968, the aerobic revolution took hold of our societies. Regular running at medium intensity was long considered the best workout to ensure longterm health. Today more and more people understand that only intense strength training using specialized equipment can not only train all aerobic systems but muscles, central nervous system, bone and fatburn on top. If you want optimal health, High Intenstiy Strength Training is the number one tool for the job.
Minimum Stress. Maximum relaxation.
Relax and let it grow.
The act of training puts your body in a so called catabolic state. This means you are breaking down molecular structures and consequently tissues in your body to free energy at a rapid rate. This is essentially the fatigue you feel after a workout and the soreness the days afterwards. Your body doesn´t like this at all, so he soon enters a so called anabolic state. The goal of which is not only to restore the metabolized tissue but to increase the stores to be better prepared for such a catabolic event next time arround. This is the hypothetical process of becoming stonger and fitter. Now the big mistake is to assume that all body tissue finishes their respective anabolic states in the same timeframe. After High Intensity Strength Training the slowest to recover are Central Nervous System, the fast-twitch muscel fibers and bone mineral structures taking up to seven days. They form the critical path, which needs to be finished before the next training in order for you to reap the maximum benefits.
"With a total of 30 minutes in and out, this concept suits my full work schedule really well. I am able to gain strength and build muscles in netto 6 minutes a week, and got the time for family and other sports activities."
Johan Jervøe - Marketing Executive
Our 7 guiding science principles
You don’t need to be a scientist to understand how the AURUM 6 Minute Workout gives you more strength, more energy and more quality of life. You just need to be a member :-) Nevertheless, you can discover our seven guiding science principles below and read more on our blog.
P1 Growth stimulus is achieved when muscles are fatigued
P2 Resisting is safer than lifting
P3 Time Under Tension, not the number of reps matters
P4 "Slower" is more effective than "faster"
P5 Growth is achieved in the recovery phase which takes 7 days
P6 The less time you rest during the 6 Minute Workout, the more cardio you get
P7 Real time data triggers the muscle-mind connection
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