How it works
Optimizing muscle gain and safety simultaneously was the goal. We found so much more.
Try nowSafe. Effective. Quantified
Muscle-Mind Isokinetic Technology "MIT" and digital progress tracking
Only after exercising on one of our MIT exercise systems can you really appreciate the concept. Muscle and Mind form a biofeedback loop which continuously iterates to maximize muscle growth stimulus while minimizing injury risk.
Are weights still the best tool?
As computing power and manufacturing techniques become cheaper new applications become possible. We asked ourselves: Is there a new solution to an old problem? Going through the myriad of ways to do strength training one application catched our interest. Isokinetic exercise machines have long been confined to rehabilitation, but combined with the right software and powerful real-time visualisation it becomes the first real step forward in strength training since the introduction of weight machines in the 1960s.traordinary results with little time invested.
Flip the script.
Isokinetic exercise means the time it takes you to perform a rep is constant not the weight. To achieve this the software controls start-, end-point and velocity. You control the force that you exert. But how much is enough? Easy answer, more than last time. Therefore we close the loop with real time visualisation of your performance on the screen. Your mind and muscle hence form a biofeedback loop that optimizes your result. There is no force acting on you, you act force on the machine. We flipped the script and unlocked previously unthinkable results.
Quantum leap in safety and muscle stimulus.
Safety is the most crucial aspect of our equipment design. The danger of weights lies in force peaks caused by acceleration. Even bigger problems arise from weights that suddenly become too heavy during exercise. By design, isokinetic machines keep acceleration constant and let you just stop at any time. Effectiveness of equipment is defined by how deeply the muscle can be fatigued through continuous loading. Again by design, our Muscle-Mind Isokinetic machines achieve optimal load at every moment by using exactly your remaining strength against you. A real innovation must improve a process by an order of magnitude on at least two dimensions. We look forward to your verdict.
Track success from your smartphone
Worlds first health cockpit?
The AURUM App allows you to track your strength development over time: weekly PowerScore, power output, peak power and bone health zone - all data is quantified and gives you amazingly accurate insights into your body. When you reach your age, weight and gender specific green zone you can be sure to enjoy your life at the highest muscular function possible. With FIT3D, the most advanced 3D body scanner in the world, you will see a better you. The 3D body analysis takes seconds and shows precisely how your body is changing over time. Track your progress and get data for body fat, lean mass and posture reports!
"With a total of 30 minutes in and out, this concept suits my full work schedule really well. I am able to gain strength and build muscles in netto 6 minutes a week, and got the time for family and other sports activities."
Johan Jervøe - Marketing Executive
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